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  /  Projects


Applying theortical knowledge into Pratically

Project time management includes two high-level groups of processes for planning and scheduling project activities and tasks necessary for timely completion of the project. College-led programmes are carried out under the supervision of staff. Students enrolled in the programmes are awarded a certificate of participation.

Staff is set to help students cultivate their observational, discursive and descriptive skills as well as providing knowledge about an industry they may not know much about. Predetermined movies will be discussed amongst the group in accordance with chosen criteria.

The Junior College is offering a number of short programme courses helping students enrolled to develop certain skills whilst expanding their cultural boundaries. Some of the programmes take place over a weekend and these will be publicised by the different departments in due time.

This short programme will offer students a better understanding of the role of marketing and that of practitioners in the field. This short programme is ideal for students who are studying Marketing, Business Area students and anyone who plans to follow a career path that brings them in contact with customers.

Plants and Seeds : Does the presence of detergent in water affect plant growth? In what ways? What is the implication regarding water pollution? What is the effect of a chemical on a plant? Factors that you can measure include rate of plant growth, leaf size, life/death of the plant, the color of the plant, and ability to flower/ fruit.

Food : How does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it melts? Is the nutritional content of different brands of a vegetable (such as canned peas) the same? How much variation is there in any given product?

Miscellaneous : What forms of recycling are available to students? If college students participated in these recycling programs, what would be the effect on cost, the environment?